Ekstrem Makina San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. olarak 2005 yılından bu yana sektörde hizmet sunmaktayız.
75 m
2 alanda başlayan iş hayatımız şu an 1000 m
2'lik yeni tesisimizle sürdürülmektedir. Şu an 10 işçimiz bünyemizde istihdam edilmektedir. Önümüzdeki dönemler için, yeni yatırım ve istihdam planlarımızla geleceğe yönelik yatırımlarımız sürecektir.
Şirketimizin faaliyet alanı ve amacı; ülkemizin ve diğer endüstri ülkelerinin ağır sanayi ihtiyacı olan makine ve yedek parçalarını, dünya teknolojilerini yakından takip ederek imal edilen her parçaya yansıtmaktır.
Konusunda ve müşteri odaklı problemlerde AR-GE yatırımları ile beraber yurtiçinde ihtiyaçları sorunsuz bir şekilde gidererek yurtdışına olan bağımlığı azaltmak.
Kalite Politikamız
Ekstrem Makina San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. olarak; yılların verdiği deneyimle, birlikte çalıştığımız firmaların ihtiyaçları ve hızla gelişen teknoloji doğrultusunda müşteri memnuniyetini ön planda tutarak;
- Kalite Yönetim Sisteminin şartlarına uymayı ve etkinliğinin sürekli iyileştirilmesini,
- Kaliteyi üst düzeyde tutmak,
- Rekabet koşullarını da göz önüne alarak, tezgah parkı ve teknik eleman kadrosunu güçlendirerek sürekli gelişmeyi,
- İlerlemeyi sağlamak için tüm çalışanlarımızı eğitmeyi ve onlara kalite anlayışını aşılamayı,
- Karşılıklı ilişkilerin sağlıklı akışı ile, tedarikçi ve müşterilerle yakın, faydalı ve verimli iş birliği ile konusunda yeteneğini kanıtlamış tedarikçilerle çalışmayı,
- İsrafı ortadan kaldırarak ürünlerini en düşük maliyetle üretmeyi, İlke olarak benimsemekte ve taahhüt etmekteyiz.
As we are Ekstrem Machine, we established at the town of Kısıkköy İZMİR / TURKEY date on 2005. Firstly we started our business with 1 partner an done workers, but still now, we have 10 employers. Now our producing area is 1000 m
2.Our next seasons targets’ join new employers to us and entering to new markets at this business area.
Our Mission
As a company that always tries to follow new products and technology, our main target is to investigate the newly manufactured machines and spare parts in the world market and to apply these improvements to our own machines which we believe the heavy industry of our country and the industry countries really need.
Our Vision
Providing the requirements as domestic by solving the issues with Search & Development investments especially at the own profession and customer focused problems, and decrease the addiction to exterior suppliers.
Our Quality Policy
As Ekstrem Machine we keep the client satisfaction forefront with experience at the direction of developments at the technology up to our costumers needs;
- Obeying the clauses of Quality Management System and improving the efficiency all the time,
- Holding the quality at the upper level,
- Improvement all the time with considering the competition conditions and technological developments,
- For keeping the improvement we train our employee and impose them the quality mentality,
- Working with the suppliers, which proved their quality,
- Executing the production with minimum costs, and removing the waste.
As we are Ekstrem Machine, we established at the town of Kısıkköy İZMİR / TURKEY date on 2005. Firstly we started our business with 1 partner an done workers, but still now, we have 10 employers. Now our producing area is 1000 m
2.Our next seasons targets’ join new employers to us and entering to new markets at this business area.
Our Mission
As a company that always tries to follow new products and technology, our main target is to investigate the newly manufactured machines and spare parts in the world market and to apply these improvements to our own machines which we believe the heavy industry of our country and the industry countries really need.
Our Vision
Providing the requirements as domestic by solving the issues with Search & Development investments especially at the own profession and customer focused problems, and decrease the addiction to exterior suppliers.
Our Quality Policy
As Ekstrem Machine we keep the client satisfaction forefront with experience at the direction of developments at the technology up to our costumers needs;
- Obeying the clauses of Quality Management System and improving the efficiency all the time,
- Holding the quality at the upper level,
- Improvement all the time with considering the competition conditions and technological developments,
- For keeping the improvement we train our employee and impose them the quality mentality,
- Working with the suppliers, which proved their quality,
- Executing the production with minimum costs, and removing the waste.
As we are Ekstrem Machine, we established at the town of Kısıkköy İZMİR / TURKEY date on 2005. Firstly we started our business with 1 partner an done workers, but still now, we have 10 employers. Now our producing area is 1000 m
2.Our next seasons targets’ join new employers to us and entering to new markets at this business area.
Our Mission
As a company that always tries to follow new products and technology, our main target is to investigate the newly manufactured machines and spare parts in the world market and to apply these improvements to our own machines which we believe the heavy industry of our country and the industry countries really need.
Our Vision
Providing the requirements as domestic by solving the issues with Search & Development investments especially at the own profession and customer focused problems, and decrease the addiction to exterior suppliers.
Our Quality Policy
As Ekstrem Machine we keep the client satisfaction forefront with experience at the direction of developments at the technology up to our costumers needs;
- Obeying the clauses of Quality Management System and improving the efficiency all the time,
- Holding the quality at the upper level,
- Improvement all the time with considering the competition conditions and technological developments,
- For keeping the improvement we train our employee and impose them the quality mentality,
- Working with the suppliers, which proved their quality,
- Executing the production with minimum costs, and removing the waste.